Friday, January 12, 2018

How Cosmetic Dentistry Serves Oral Health

Though cosmetic dental procedures are meant to give you the smile you’ve always wanted, they also do much more, particularly when it comes to your overall oral health. Patients who already have strong teeth benefit from aesthetic enhancement, while those with dental health issues enjoy a new appearance along with improved wellness.

With options that include tooth-colored dental crowns, veneers, and bridges, cosmetic restorations can do all of the following for your smile:

Prevent Spread of Decay

Decay is caused by bacteria and plaque that eat away at dental enamel, contributing to soft tissue infection. With the lack of a comprehensive hygiene routine, harmful bacteria can easily spread from decayed teeth to their healthy neighbors. When you seek a cosmetic dental restoration however, you’re obtaining a prosthetic that seals the tooth, significantly reducing the likelihood that nearby teeth will be negatively affected.

Improve Function

Compromised teeth can be sensitive and painful, leading patients to chew on the opposite side of their mouth as a way of avoiding aggravating a tooth ache. This may provide short-term relief, but ultimately wears down dental enamel. Teeth that have been ground down by uneven pressure and use eventually affect bite balance. A cosmetic dental restoration, such as a porcelain crown or bridge, allows you to comfortably chew and encourages an even distribution of force during everyday function.

Protect Weak or Damaged Teeth 

Dental crowns completely encircle teeth, providing durability and a renewed strength to teeth that have been seriously decayed, fractured, or contain large and failing fillings. Not only will your smile look great, you won’t have to worry that you’ll further damage natural teeth by biting into something hard.

In the case of superficial damage or irregularly shaped teeth, other cosmetic dental restorations, such as veneers, can be placed to lend a new sense of uniformity.

Ask our Dentist about Your Cosmetic Treatment Plan!

If your teeth are broken, decayed, or otherwise in need of a boost to both health and function, ask Dr. Kerns how cosmetic dental procedures can help you meet your goals. We provide care with a focus on improving both improve the way you look and the overall health of your smile.

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